The government are capping the number of skilled non-EU workers that can enter the UK to 21,700 per year.
There are a few problems with this. Just from looking at the press release we see:
- It only affects those coming from outside the EU (we could have millions coming from inside the EU and we'd be powerless to stop it)
- It doesn't affect intra-company transfers of those who earn at least £40,000 per year and who will be staying for between 1 and 5 years
But the biggest point from my point of view is:
- It limits the number of "skilled" people that can come in
I don't care how many people come here, work, pay taxes and generally contribute to the UK. What I object to is those that come here (or are born here, to be fair) to claim benefits, lounge around and do nothing productive except produce children, the better to get money from the taxpayer.
The government's own figures (from here ) show that 567,000 people arrived to live in the UK from abroad in 2009. A number of these were British, and a number of the non-British people already in the country left, so to be fair we should look at the net number of non-British citizens entering (after subtracting those that left) which was 242,000. Almost a quarter of a million.
Of these, 58,000 were from the EU, 105,000 from the commonwealth and 79,000 from elsewhere.
We don't have figures on how many have jobs lined up here, but apparently a number were asked what their purpose for coming here was. This being a survey, it's likely not worth the paper it's written on, but taking it at face value we find that 37% of those coming to this country claimed to be doing so for "formal study". This is a great wheeze - claim to be a student and you get into the country easy. Apparently there are a number of supposed schools that will charge minimal fees and send you authentic looking paperwork but then hold no classes, their sole purpose is to get you into the country. Once you're here you can claim all sorts of benefits. I'm sure a goodly number of the people claiming to be here for "formal study" genuinely were, but I doubt that it applies to all of them.
23% had a "definite job" lined up. That doesn't sound too bad, does it? Well, it does if you think about it. Last year we had a net increase in population of 242,000 and 56,000 had a job lined up. That's 186,000 people ready to suckle on the state benefits teat who've contributed absolutely nothing towards it.
11% claimed to be looking for work. Nuff said.
13% were here to accompany or join someone else. So that'd be the wife/kids/extended family of the few who come here to work? Or of the previous folks who've come here to sponge off the state. Either way, more mouths to feed...
6% gave no reason and 9% said "other". Probably not something that will get them paid regularly, at any rate...
The latest statistics I can find for births are in 2008 (deaths go up to 2009, but for comparison I'm using the 2008 figures). There were a total of 708,711 babies born in 2008 (see here). This compares with a total number of deaths of 509,090 (see here - this includes 1,261 deaths of people resident in another country but present in the UK - I assume the same thing happens when our holidaymakers die abroad, so will leave these in the total for now). The net increase in population was 199,621. We can already see that the growth through immigration is faster than the growth through birth.
Now, we should also consider that some of the births and deaths will be of those were not originally from the UK (I'm not going to touch on what it takes to become a UK citizen or the like, largely as we don't have figures for that sort of thing). Deaths would be mostly of the elderly, and I would imagine that the non-UK born represent a smaller proportion of the elderly than other age groups, still in the absence of a detailed breakdown it seems only fair to assume that the proportion of deaths attributed to non-uk born individuals is in proportion to the number in the UK. From here we see that an estimated 10.6% of the population were non-uk born, so the total UK born deaths can be considered to be approximately 89.4% of 509090 = 455,126.
Births on the other hand seem to be a little more skewed (as we'd expect, if we thought about it - the UK birth rate has been quite low for a while, until the immigration started to ramp up). This suggests that 21.9% of the births in 2007 (latest figures I could find) were to foreign born women. This means that 78.1% of 708,711 = 553,503 births in 2008 were to UK born women (assuming the percentage born to foreign born women hasn't changed - in fact it's probably gone up).
Thus the actual net change of uk population from "native" birth is 98,377. This compares to 242,000 immigrants and 101,244 births to immigrants - a total increase of 343,244.
So it's not all that surprising that people are getting annoyed about immigration - but putting a little cap on the number of actually useful people that come here really isn't helping anything.
(incidentally, like I said - I have no objection to people coming here and working. That means that things get done, the govt takes money from them in tax and I end up paying less over all. When people come here to sponge, then I end up paying more, and that annoys me. Likewise, when people born here sponge, or have a dozen kids to get more benefits, that annoys me)
Another Sacrifice To The NHS...
3 hours ago
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